Trump Leads - Children Sick After This - Thanksgiving Shocker

If Elections Were Held Today, Who Would You Vote For? Trump or Biden?

Happy Thanksgiving To All

Poll: If Elections Were Held Today, Who Would You Vote For?

Republicans Favor

  1. Trump 60

  2. Nikki Haley 14

  3. DeSantis 9

  4. T. Scott / Christie / Ramaswamy / Pence 6

Democrats Favor

  1. Biden 78

  2. Williamson 5

Today's U.S. Election News Roundup: Trump Leads - Children Sick After This - Thanksgiving Shocker

2024 Presidential Election: Biden vs. Trump Rematch on Trump's Legal Challenges and Poll Leads 📉

Former President Trump is in the spotlight with 91 felony counts across four criminal cases. Despite his double impeachment and controversial exit marked by the Capitol riot, recent polls, including one by NBC News, show him leading President Biden in potential 2024 battlegrounds.

Colorado Supreme Court to Review Trump's 2024 Ballot Eligibility 🏛️

The Colorado Supreme Court has taken up a critical case to decide if former President Trump should be barred from the 2024 ballot under the 14th Amendment. A lower court acknowledged Trump's role in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot but ruled this does not disqualify him from presidential eligibility.

Rising Concerns Over Lead in Apple Puree Pouches 🍏

The FDA reports an increase in children affected by lead-contaminated apple puree pouches, with cases jumping from 34 to 52. Spanning 22 states, these cases predominantly involve children aged 1 to 4, escalating concerns about the widespread impact of the recall.

Politics Not Welcome at Thanksgiving Dinner 🦃

A recent Quinnipiac University poll reveals that over 60% of Americans prefer to keep politics off the table this Thanksgiving. This sentiment crosses all demographics, with only 29% open to discussing political topics during holiday gatherings.

  • Joe Biden: 42 percent favorable, 54 percent unfavorable, 2 percent haven't heard enough about him;

  • Donald Trump: 37 percent favorable, 59 percent unfavorable, 3 percent haven't heard enough about him;

  • Ron DeSantis: 24 percent favorable, 58 percent unfavorable, 18 percent haven't heard enough about him;

Poll Results: Is Trump Guilty In Jan 6 Riots Case?

⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ Yes, He Is (1389)

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 No, He Is Not (28579)


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