GOP Abandons Trump - Biden vs Trump In Dead Heat

Biden-Trump in Dead Heat For 2024 Elections, Who Will Win?

Republicans Favor

  1. Trump 60

  2. DeSantis 11

  3. Ramaswamy 7

  4. T. Scott / Christie / Haley/ Pence 6

Democrats Favor

  1. Biden 78

  2. Kennedy 10

  3. Williamson 5

Political Roundup: GOP Abandons Trump - Biden vs Trump In Dead Heat

🚀 House GOP's Bold Move! House Republicans are on a mission! They're looking to tweak party rules to make nominating a Speaker a tad more challenging. Why? To dodge the drama of the multi-ballot election fiasco we witnessed in January. Over 40% of the conference (that's 94 House Republicans!) penned a letter to the top brass, pushing for a special meeting to discuss this rule change. Stay tuned!

🔍 Trump's Legal Rollercoaster! Hold onto your hats! While a New York appeals court isn't pressing pause on Trump’s civil fraud trial, they've put the brakes on axing Trump’s business licenses. Why? They're waiting for the appeals court to weigh in. This comes hot on the heels of Trump's legal eagles trying to delay the trial after a previous ruling found Trump and his businesses guilty of fraud.

🗳️ The Trump Dilemma for Moderates! Moderate lawmakers are in a pickle! Especially those from districts that swung Biden's way in 2020. They're fretting that backing Trump's chosen candidate might backfire in local elections. Some say it's a double-edged sword: while some voters might be wooed, others wish Trump would take a backseat. And the million-dollar question? Whether Republicans from Biden-favored areas would dare to vote for a Trump-endorsed Speaker. The drama unfolds!

📊 Biden vs. Trump: The Poll Dance! It's a nail-biter! Biden's just edging out Trump with 49% of voters leaning his way, while 47% are Team Trump, as per the latest polls. But here's the twist: Independents are giving Trump an 8-point lead! The race hasn't shifted much since August, and it's too close to call. Both candidates have their loyal fan base, but there's a chunk of voters who aren't fans of either. Dubbed "the double haters," they're the golden group both parties are vying for. Who'll win them over? Only time will tell!

  • Joe Biden: 42 percent favorable, 54 percent unfavorable, 2 percent haven't heard enough about him;

  • Donald Trump: 37 percent favorable, 59 percent unfavorable, 3 percent haven't heard enough about him;

  • Ron DeSantis: 24 percent favorable, 58 percent unfavorable, 18 percent haven't heard enough about him;

Poll Results: Is Biden Targeting Trump Because He Leads In Polls?

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Yes, He Is (29050)

⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ No, He Is Not (860)


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