Breaking: Trump Children Targeted - Biden Falls - Trump Out?

Should Trump Be Kicked Out Of 2024 Ballot Like Dems Want?

Republicans Favor

  1. Trump 60

  2. Nikki Haley 14

  3. DeSantis 9

  4. T. Scott / Christie / Ramaswamy / Pence 6

Democrats Favor

  1. Biden 78

  2. Williamson 5

Survey: Are You A True Christian? 
Yes or No?

Political Roundup: Trump Children Targeted - Biden Falls - Trump Out?

πŸ“Š Biden's Waning Popularity Among Independents: A Red Flag? 🚩

President Biden is walking on thin ice, especially when it comes to the independent voters who often tip the scales in presidential elections. Recent data from Gallup reveals a concerning trend: Biden's approval rating among this crucial group has dipped to 35%, a 4-point decline in just one month. This isn't a one-time blip; the President has been struggling to win the hearts of independents since July 2021. After starting his term with a robust 61% approval from this group, the numbers have been on a downward spiral.

"Independents are the game-changers in any election cycle. Their support can be the difference between victory and defeat," warns Democratic strategist Jon Reinish.

βš–οΈ The 14th Amendment Debate: A Roadblock for Trump in 2024? πŸ€”

The legal battle over whether former President Trump should be on Colorado's 2024 ballot is heating up. At the center of the debate is the 14th Amendment, specifically its clause related to "insurrection." Expert witness and Indiana University law professor Gerard Magliocca argues that the clause indeed applies to presidents. On the flip side, legal scholar Robert Delahunty, representing the Trump campaign, contends that the term "insurrection" is too ambiguous and that the clause doesn't even pertain to the presidency.

The crux of the argument lies in the interpretation of the word "office" in the amendment. While senators and representatives are explicitly mentioned, the term "any office, civil or military, under the United States" leaves room for interpretation.

πŸ—½ Trump's Family in the Legal Spotlight: A Fraught Moment in Court πŸ›οΈ

Former President Trump is not holding back his feelings about the judge presiding over his civil fraud trial in New York. In a post on Truth Social, Trump urged Judge Arthur Engoron to "leave my children alone" as Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump, and Ivanka Trump prepare to testify under oath. The case, led by New York Attorney General Letitia James, accuses Trump and his sons, who are senior executives at The Trump Organization, of fraudulently inflating the value of their properties to secure financial perks like tax breaks and favorable bank loans.

Ivanka Trump, who exited The Trump Organization in 2017 to join her father's administration, was initially named in the lawsuit but was later dismissed due to the statute of limitations on most charges against her.

These unfolding events are sure to keep political analysts and the American public on the edge of their seats as we move closer to the next election cycle. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

  • Joe Biden: 42 percent favorable, 54 percent unfavorable, 2 percent haven't heard enough about him;

  • Donald Trump: 37 percent favorable, 59 percent unfavorable, 3 percent haven't heard enough about him;

  • Ron DeSantis: 24 percent favorable, 58 percent unfavorable, 18 percent haven't heard enough about him;

Poll Results: Is Trump Guilty In Jan 6 Riots Case?

⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ Yes, He Is (1389)

🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 No, He Is Not (28579)


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